Holiday Party December 9

Holiday Party December 9

Where: Nick’s House in Bayonne (view Evite for address)

When: Friday, December 9th @ 7PM

Ho Ho Ho! It’s time for the JCBC Annual Holiday Party. This year Nick is graciously hosting us at his beautiful house in Bayonne. The club has some funds so we’re getting a delicious spread of some Italian food for the party. All you need to bring is yourself and any beverages you’d like to share. We might have a firepit in the backyard, so s’mores materials may also be appropriate.

All are welcome to this party, so please don’t be shy about coming to hang out! Please RSVP so we have a headcount for food.

If you want to bring a keg (we’ll have the club jockey box), please comment so we can coordinate a keg dropoff somewhere convenient.

We encourage everyone to share a cab to the party!